(No) extra charge for (Oat) milk!
PASSENGER serves you a universe of coffee in your cup - without compromise.
We waive the usual surcharge for milk alternatives!
Whether with fresh Demeter milk from the eco-village Brodowin or Organic Minor Figures oat milk, your choice comes at no extra cost.
Why, why and why?
Why is there a surcharge of 20ct, 30ct or even 50ct for a plant-based milk drink at all?
The purchase price in retail compared to cow's milk is higher on average for a product of comparable quality. The linked article provides a clear breakdown of the production costs and the end consumer price. (brandeins)
Another cost factor: VAT. While the reduced tax rate of 7 percent applies to milk as a staple food, plant-based alternatives are taxed at 19 percent because they fall into the category of processed foods or staple foods. This special tax situation means that, at least in the case of a to-go item, either 7% or 19% is charged on the item. The profit margin for a café varies dramatically for a cappuccino to-go for an assumed €3.50. Either 23ct or 56ct VAT must be paid.
Is there anything cheap about plant milk? As a rule, the shelf life is longer and this can save costs in purchasing and logistics. It can be stored unrefrigerated, which means no additional energy, maintenance and purchase costs (for refrigerators), at least compared to fresh cow's milk. A not insignificant aspect for a café operator.
Why not an extra charge on your oat coffee then?

PASSENGER wants to support customers' ecologically sensible decision to choose a plant-based drink. The ecological balance of milk alternatives is better than cow's milk.
This applies to the areas of resources, production and processing, transport logistics and storage.
The production of milk alternatives means less animal suffering. Although the conditions on the farms and the situation of dairy farmers as a whole are very different and need to be considered carefully, the one thing they all have in common is that the price war in the dairy industry puts dairies and farmers under a lot of pressure and ultimately the animals suffer as a result.
So why not a surcharge for dairy milk?
By equalizing the prices of drinks with milk or plant-based alternatives, PASSENGER raises the price of milk drinks!
Cow's milk is actually traded too cheaply. The market power of discounters in particular exerts enormous price pressure on retailers. Fresh milk is transported across the country without regard for losses in quality, energy efficiency, political or social sustainability, or climate compatibility, simply in order to serve the huge low-price sector and establish a low price on the market. High prices must always be justified. But let's turn the cow around and ask: How can such low prices be justified? Muuuuh. Exactly!
PASSENGER only offers the organic oat drink from MINOR FIGURES as a milk alternative.
The milk alternative was developed by Minor Figures to support the coffee flavor without overpowering it. It has an excellent texture and supports our work as a roastery by enhancing the taste of the PASSENGER coffee in the cup.
If neither of these appeals to you, we recommend drinking our coffees black!
- https://www.brandeins.de/magazine/brand-eins-wirtschaftsmagazin/2022/preise/weisses-gold
- https://www.dlg.org/mediacenter/dlg-merkblaetter/dlg-kompakt-04-2024-anbindehaltung-von-milchkuehen-in-deutschland
- https://www.bmel.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/DE/2024/139-milchbauern.html
- https://www.worldcoffeeportal.com/5THWAVE/Podcast
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